Protect Your Home From Carpenter and Pavement Ants
You may have unwanted guests that are slowly remodeling your home to suit their needs. Carpenter ants excavate your property's wood to create comfortable nests. Pavement ants are the small ants typically found in households.
No matter what type of ant has invaded your home, you can count on Amity Pest Control LLC for prompt, effective control. Your satisfaction is guaranteed.
Destructive Carpenter Ants
To the naked eye, it may seem that carpenter ants eat wood. But they only excavate it to build nests. Carpenter ants can slowly destroy your home by damaging the wood and causing structural damage.
You don't want to let carpenter ants go unchecked. They live in colonies and will develop satellite nests. Their queen will continue laying eggs and expanding their numbers, so the damage they do will compound.
Obnoxious Pavement Ants
Pavement ants are the ones you commonly see in your kitchen. They are attracted to all types of food, and once they have learned that your pantry is delicious, they will return in greater numbers.
If you see ants of any kind on your residential, commercial, or municipal building, contact us
for an estimate. Our licensed, certified applicators will take care of them quickly and discreetly. Our services are ideal for any places or buildings where ants are prone to gather.
Residential and commercial kitchens
Apartment buildings and student housing
Community buildings and recreational centers
For an Estimate
on Carpenter and
Pavement Ant Control,
Call 315-947-5057
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Amity Pest Control LLC,
get competitive prices and excellent services from our highly trained and skilled staff.